Thursday 16 April 2015

Green chilli pickle

This is a sweet pickle that goes well on anything and especially cheddar cheese as a friend and I found out right after we made this stuff.

Green chillies
Fennel seeds
Chilli powder
Balsamic vinegar

I use these long green chillies because they are not too hot but feel free to try this with other chillies. 

Wash and dry the chillies thoroughly 

grate about 6 tablespoons of jaggery add more if you want a sweeter pickle add water dissolve the jaggery and let it come to a boil

Cut chillies to the desired size add salt, chilli powder and balsamic vinegar. Mix well and let it marinate for 30 minutes. 

Heat oil in a pan and let it get hot but not smoking. It would be advisable to open windows at this time as this pickle is very pungent. Add chillies in the hot oil with the marinade. The mixture will boil and sizzle, let the chillies roast for a minute or two the skins get a nice char that way. 

When the chillies look like they are softening  add the jaggery liquid in let it boil for another minute or two. Jaggery will thicken, don't let it dry out. How thick or runny you want this liquid is upto you. 

I like mine with plenty of juice and not too thick. Turn of the heat and let the pickle cook in its own heat. Once completely cool transfer into sterilised jars and into the fridge. The pickle should keep for a month. I have never been able to keep for that long as I eat in rather quickly. 

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