Monday 6 April 2009

conscious decisions

“I am fat and I will never find anyone who will love me”
How many times have said that to ourselves or have others say that about themselves? I hear it almost all the time with a few variations here and there. People seem to have no faith in themselves or in anything good anymore, or maybe we have come to point where we all love being low. We love the sadness and the misery that comes with our self made decisions of how we don’t deserve anything good. We walk into relationships thinking and hoping for the worst and then when it happens we say “ ah I knew it I am worthless”. Don’t we get it we did this to ourselves.
We plan for the worst and we get the worst because somewhere we act on all the misery we are preparing ourselves for. We get what we fear for. As the old saying goes be careful what you wish for- be careful what you hope and prepare for.
If we were to earnestly ask ourselves why don’t we deserve the best? Why don’t we deserve to be happy or loved? What would we know about ourselves that would tell us no you don’t deserve to be happy because ……….
We all believe in a benevolent and loving GOD yet when it comes to us we believe that GOD is out to get us or we don’t deserve his/ hers (to be politically correct) mercy or love. Why would GOD pick one person out of all the living creatures he created? Which holy book tells us GOD will get one person in all of creation and make sure that person would live miserably ever after. Our misery is mostly self-created. We choose the disasters in our life when we tell ourselves we are not good enough we become “not good enough”. When we think of all the negative things that can happen to us negative happens because we prepare for the worst and the worst does happen because we work towards it. There are times when bad things do happen when we plan for the best. But lets accept the bad lets embrace it, it’s a reality bad things and good things will always happen.
Blaming ourselves or finding fault with ourselves and fighting with ourselves doesn’t help AT ALL. Yes we do have faults but it’s not the end of the world. We all our fat even those who are size zero feel fat. Everyone feels they don’t deserve love or something that is good. Instead of making us humble or grateful theses ideas make us feel low. whats the point in feeling so low and down and out? None of us are adequate but we can feel adequate we can forgive ourselves and be happy and look forward to all the good things in life ☺

1 comment:

JesusOverIsrael said...


saw your comment on nanach blog:

i used to be part of this group.

here are some things i have written about them. they are fanatics who hate Christianity, since they believe Jesus to be a fiction and a deception:

Michael Korn