Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Save me from the good doctor

Medical procedures are almost always justified on the basis of brining cures to a larger population for the greater good. To reject or question a procedure is seen as rejecting science and giving into superstition. I find the defence of science problematic as it positions certain kinds of knowledge as superstitious and it has created an environment where to critique science is taboo. I am sure the doctors who worked on curing Henrietta were doing this for her own good and to help future generations their goodwill is not to be questioned but their ethical standpoint should be. Non-dominant groups of people have a deep sense of suspicion towards the medical establishment which is justified their bodies are used for experimental purposes. Apart from that there is issue of being mistreated while seeking medical help. We seem to have an implicit understanding that medical procedures are invasive and violating of human dignity. 

Here is a documentary by Adam Curtis  on how Henrietta Lacks cancer cells were used without her permission for research 

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