Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Indigenous people – because some of us are from mars

I will be very angry is someone throws that term around again. If there are indigenous people there must be exogenous people. It is only a polite term for ‘savage tribal’. The double speak is so obvious in India people categorized as tribal’s are indigenous as if the rest of us came down from mars. The term brings with it all the problems of old anthropology studying people in grass skirts. It is the same today or even worse, these indigenous people are now expected to live like stuffed animals in museum cabinets, unchanging and on display. To be looked at spoken about as one would of an object. We are to conform to an ideal set out by people in power, never masters of our own lives.
What is this culture? What aspects make it authentic? Language, dress, food, music? As if those never change or evolve? What culture has ever lived an insular life never adapting or adopting?
Liberals in the west seem to find our return to nativism charming yet a mention this about their culture and they say that is nationalism. Why this double standard? The language of the liberal westerner mirrors the one spoken by the far right in postcolonial nations. I have said it before but every time I do I get called a racist an inauthentic person, whitewashed. Tears, screaming, shouting or silence follows what I say. This shouldn’t surprise me all I am expected to do is cook spicy curry, talk about spirituality and be poor.
Are we to remain frozen in time petrified on display?

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