Monday 11 July 2011

Disability in India

में  पेचले कुछ दिन से एक पेपर लिख रही हूँ , विकलांग व्य्क्तिन्यो पर जो हिनुस्थान में रहे रहें हैं. 

हिन्दुस्थान की जन्सक्न्ह्या लगभग १.२१ बिल्लियन है.
For the last few weeks I have been writing  a paper on disability in India here are some of the things i found out. 

The current Population of India in 2011 is estimated to be 1.21 billion.

Disability affects over 20 million people in India.

The population of Mumbai is about 20.5 million.

20 Million disabled people, this amounts to 20% of the population.

To break it down further that would be about 20 disabled people in a group of 100 people. 

However this number could be larger as a lot of people are not included in the census.

Disability could include visual problems, auditory problems,  speech defects and mobility issues to name a few.

When disability affects such a huge number of people why don’t we see them more often?

How many disabled people did you go to school with?

How many disabled people work with you?

And most importantly how do view these people?

Do you believe disabled people are not the same as you? Most people do. Most of us have grown up with prejudices about disabled people. A few people grow up feeling sympathy for the disabled and may contribute to charity. Do the disabled want our charity or do they want us to treat them equally?

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