Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Appeal from Mindanao- By Dr Ian Parker

The floods here in Mindanao, the main southern island of the Philippines, have been disastrous, the suffering immense, and there is no prospect that relief will be given soon by the authorities. A small group of us travelled last Saturday 17 December in the minivan of one of the universities (where we had been teaching) here through Bukidnon province and then through Cagayan de Oro on the north coast. This is one of the worst hit areas, together with Iligan. Typhoon Washi had struck the area in the early hours of the morning, and in Malaybalay inland the water supplies and electricity had already been affected before we left. During the hours of darkness, when mobile and other communication networks were down, people were unable to see the devastation, but could feel the effects. Over 10,000 houses were damaged by the typhoon and flash floods and hundreds of thousands of people in thirteen of the Mindanao provinces are struggling, with more than 40,000 in evacuation centres. We could begin to see as we journeyed along the coast into Surigao del Norte province burst riverbanks and waterlogged fields, but the full scale of the problem only started to become clear through Sunday and Monday. To date over 950 people are reckoned dead and nearly 50 missing according to the national disaster agency, with most of the casualties in the cities of Cagayan de Oro and Iligan.
The difficulties facing relief agencies and community organisations – this is the context in which the reconstruction work is taking place – have to be taken into account as those outside Mindanao think about what support they can give. First reports in the newspapers in the Philippines under-played the disaster, with small front-page stories eclipsed by the long-running corruption scandals in and around Manila (on the north island of Luzon), and events in Mindanao are treated with suspicion and some fear in other parts of the Philippines, fueled by stories in the national press. This is despite the valiant efforts of journalists here (who have experienced among their colleagues among the greatest number of targeted assassinations in the world). Now, here in Mindanao itself, the images on television of death and destruction are horrific.
There is a very complex political situation here. The Lumad indigenous peoples are sometimes patronised by the authorities (encouraged to sing and dance for their own versions of Christmas celebrations, which start in the Philippines in September) but are mostly badly treated, robbed of their land and then told to respect the rights of the new landowners (this is the current refrain of current President Aquino). These people in Mindanao are caught in land disputes with the Muslim population of the south of the island, which is site of active armed groups, including fundamentalists who, in turn, hate those they call ‘the reds’.
There is widespread Islamophobia outside Mindanao, which the government provokes even while calling for a ‘Christmas ceasefire’ and negotiating with the Islamic groups in recently begun talks in Kuala Lumpur in neighboring Malaysia. But at the same time the fundamentalists here do actually pose a deadly threat to progressive forces. There is also an insurgent maoist group, the New People’s Army’ (NPA) operating as the armed wing of the communist party, active in Mindanao. In the few days before the typhoon arrived there were reports of a new wave of attacks by them in Surigao del Sur province on police stations to seize guns, and of the burning of vehicles belonging to foreign companies (of which Del Monte and Dole are prominent players, running the fruit plantations). The NPA refuse the cynical Christmas ceasefire calls, pointing to continuing harassment of local communities (as well as disappearances of activists, which is something that happens here in the Philippines not only in Mindanao), and they attack members of other left groups, including murdering those deemed enemies in ambushes and during incursions into areas held by their rivals.
Here in Mindanao, in the midst of this, there has emerged (from within the crisis of the old communist movement) a new democratic movement that has taken huge steps to engage with different forms of politics, and to work with the Lumad and with Muslim communities who are beginning to break from fundamentalism in the course of struggles for independence and land rights. The Revolutionary Workers Party – Mindanao (RWP-M) has been organising in the interior and in cities like Cagayan de Oro, and is very active now in Iligan. This group has been working around questions of food security – the right of local communities to determine what is grown and how it is distributed for their own good rather than for multinational companies – and declares itself now to be ‘ecosocialist’. It is active around lesbian and gay rights (and LGBT activists are there with these comrades in political debates and also in the practical physical protection of areas of Mindanao (from the NPA and Islamic fundamentalist groups). This pits the RWP-M also against the Catholic Church authorities trying to block the Reproductive Health bill currently proceeding at snail’s pace through parliament. This ecosocialist group informed by and working alongside feminist organisations now faces a very difficult task in balancing the defence of its own communities while engaging with the slow ‘peace process’ (something which brings the wrath of rivals down upon it day by day).
There is a risk now, as with every disaster relief operation, that well-meant expressions of support for the victims of the typhoon from outside the Philippines will be channeled into government controlled operations, and that this will sideline those who are really suffering and who are now mobilising themselves with, for example, the help of the RWP-M. The organisation ‘Europe solidaire sans frontières’ (Europe in Solidarity Without Borders) is acting in solidarity with the progressive forces in Mindanao now, and you can help by sending payment to the ESSF. Please specify that the payment is for the Philippines floods, and send the money through to: ESSF, 2 rue Richard-Lenoir, 93100 Montreuil, France. The bank account details are: Crédit Lyonnais, Agence de la Croix-de-Chavaux (00525), 10 boulevard Chanzy, 93100 Montreuil, France. The ESSF account number is 445757C, and the international bank account details are: IBAN: FR85 3000 2005 2500 0044 5757 C12; BIC/SWIFT: CRLYFRPP; Account holder: ESSF.

Ian Parker, Surigao del Norte, Mindanao, 21 December 2011

Mindanao - डॉ. इयान पार्कर से अपील

Mindanao - डॉ. इयान पार्कर से अपीलयहाँ Mindanao, फिलीपींस के मुख्य दक्षिणी द्वीप में बाढ़ विनाशकारी रहा है, पीड़ित अमित, और वहाँ कोई संभावना है कि राहत अधिकारियों द्वारा जल्द ही दिया जाएगा. हम में से एक छोटे समूह के एक minivan में विश्वविद्यालयों के पिछले शनिवार 17 दिसंबर कूच (हम शिक्षण कहाँ किया गया था) Bukidnon प्रांत के माध्यम से और फिर उत्तर तट पर Cagayan डे ऑरो के माध्यम से यहाँ. यह सबसे ज्यादा प्रभावित क्षेत्रों के Iligan के साथ एक साथ है. सुबह के शुरुआती घंटों में आंधी washi क्षेत्र मारा था, और Malaybalay अंतर्देशीय में पानी की आपूर्ति और बिजली को पहले से ही इससे पहले कि हम छोड़ दिया प्रभावित किया गया था. अंधेरे के घंटे के दौरान, जब मोबाइल और अन्य संचार नेटवर्क नीचे थे, लोगों को तबाही देखने में असमर्थ थे, लेकिन प्रभाव को महसूस कर सकता था. 10,000 से अधिक घरों में आंधी और फ्लैश बाढ़ से क्षतिग्रस्त हो गया और Mindanao प्रांतों के तेरह में लोगों की हजारों की सैकड़ों, निकासी केन्द्रों में 40,000 से अधिक के साथ संघर्ष कर रहे हैं. हम देख के रूप में हम Surigao del Norte प्रांत फट riverbanks और जल भराव क्षेत्रों में तट के साथ कूच शुरू हो सकता है, लेकिन समस्या का पूर्ण पैमाने पर केवल रविवार और सोमवार के माध्यम से स्पष्ट हो शुरू कर दिया.950 लोगों पर तारीख करने के लिए मर चुका है और लगभग 50 लापता राष्ट्रीय आपदा एजेंसी के अनुसार गणना कर रहे हैं Cagayan डे ऑरो और Iligan के शहरों में हताहतों की संख्या के अधिकांश के साथ.कठिनाइयों का सामना करना पड़ राहत एजेंसियों और सामुदायिक संगठनों - इस संदर्भ में पुनर्निर्माण कार्यों में जगह ले जा रहा है - ध्यान में रखा जाना है के रूप में उन बाहर Mindanao क्या वे समर्थन दे सकते हैं के बारे में सोचते हैं. फिलीपींस में समाचार पत्रों में पहले रिपोर्ट आपदा के तहत खेला जाता है, छोटे सामने पृष्ठ कहानियों के साथ लंबे समय से चल मनीला (उत्तर Luzon के द्वीप पर) में और उसके चारों ओर भ्रष्टाचार घोटालों से ग्रहण, और Mindanao में घटनाओं को संदेह के साथ व्यवहार कर रहे हैं और फिलीपींस के अन्य भागों में कुछ भय, राष्ट्रीय प्रेस में कहानियों के द्वारा fueled है. यह यहाँ पत्रकारों (जो दुनिया में लक्षित हत्या की सबसे बड़ी संख्या के बीच उनके सहयोगियों के बीच अनुभव किया है) के बहादुर प्रयासों के बावजूद है. अब, यहाँ Mindanao में ही, मौत और विनाश के टेलीविजन पर छवियों भयावह हैं.वहाँ एक बहुत ही जटिल राजनीतिक स्थिति यहाँ है. Lumad स्वदेशी लोगों को कभी कभी अधिकारियों द्वारा संरक्षण (क्रिसमस समारोह है, जो सितंबर में फिलीपींस में शुरू के अपने स्वयं के संस्करणों के लिए गाना और नृत्य के लिए प्रोत्साहित किया), लेकिन ज्यादातर बुरी तरह से इलाज किया, उनके देश की लूट और उसके बाद के अधिकारों का सम्मान बताया नए जमींदारों (यह वर्तमान राष्ट्रपति Aquino के वर्तमान बचना है). Mindanao में इन लोगों को भूमि विवाद में द्वीप है, जो कट्टरपंथियों, जो बारी में, जो वे 'लाल' कहते हैं नफरत सहित सक्रिय सशस्त्र समूहों के साइट है के दक्षिण की मुस्लिम आबादी के साथ पकड़े जाते हैं.Mindanao के बाहर व्यापक इस्लामोफोबिया, जो सरकार भी भड़काती है, जबकि एक 'क्रिसमस युद्धविराम' के लिए बुला और पड़ोसी मलेशिया में हाल ही में कुआलालंपुर में शुरू हो वार्ता में इस्लामी गुटों के साथ बातचीत है. लेकिन एक ही समय में कट्टरपंथियों यहाँ वास्तव में प्रगतिशील बलों के लिए एक घातक खतरा है. वहाँ भी है एक माओवादी विद्रोही समूह, न्यू पीपुल्स आर्मी (एनपीए) कम्युनिस्ट पार्टी की सशस्त्र शाखा के रूप में परिचालन, Mindanao में सक्रिय है. कुछ दिन पहले आंधी आ में उनके द्वारा Surigao डेल सुर प्रांत में पुलिस थानों पर हमले की एक नई लहर बंदूकें जब्त की रिपोर्ट थे, और विदेशी कंपनियों (जिनमें से डेल मोंटे और ख़ैरात करना प्रमुख हैं से संबंधित वाहनों के जलने कीखिलाड़ियों, फल बागानों चल रहा है). एनपीए मना निंदक क्रिसमस युद्धविराम कॉल, स्थानीय समुदायों के उत्पीड़न जारी रखने की ओर इशारा करते हुए (के रूप में अच्छी तरह के रूप में कार्यकर्ताओं के गायब है, जो कुछ है कि फिलीपींस में यहाँ न केवल Mindanao में होता है), और वे अन्य बाईं समूहों के सदस्यों पर हमला हत्या सहित, उन ambushes और उनके प्रतिद्वंद्वियों द्वारा आयोजित क्षेत्रों में घुसपैठ के दौरान दुश्मन समझा.यहाँ Mindanao में, इस के बीच में, वहाँ (पुराने कम्युनिस्ट आंदोलन के संकट के भीतर से) कि भारी कदम उठाए हैं राजनीति के विभिन्न रूपों के साथ संलग्न एक नए लोकतांत्रिक आंदोलन उभरा है, और Lumad और मुस्लिम के साथ काम करने के लिए जो समुदायों के लिए स्वतंत्रता और भूमि अधिकारों के लिए संघर्ष के पाठ्यक्रम में कट्टरवाद से तोड़ने की शुरुआत कर रहे हैं. इंटीरियर में और Cagayan de Oro जैसे शहरों में क्रांतिकारी वर्कर्स पार्टी - Mindanao (RWP एम) का आयोजन किया गया है, और बहुत सक्रिय Iligan में अब. इस समूह में खाद्य सुरक्षा के सवाल के आसपास काम कर रहा है - स्थानीय समुदायों के अधिकार का निर्धारण करने के लिए क्या उगाया जाता है और यह उनकी भलाई के लिए कैसे बजाय बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों के लिए वितरित किया जाता है - और वाणी ही अब 'ecosocialist'. यह समलैंगिक और समलैंगिक अधिकार (और LGBT कार्यकर्ताओं राजनीतिक बहस में और Mindanao के क्षेत्रों है (एनपीए और इस्लामी कट्टरपंथी गुटों से) के व्यावहारिक भौतिक सुरक्षा में भी इन साथियों के साथ कर रहे हैं. यह RWP एम के खिलाफ भी गड्ढे के आसपास सक्रिय है कैथोलिक चर्च के लिए प्रजनन स्वास्थ्य बिल ब्लॉक वर्तमान में संसद के माध्यम से कछुआ चाल से आगे बढ़ने की कोशिश कर रहा यह ecosocialist समूह अधिकारियों द्वारा सूचित किया और नारीवादी संगठनों के साथ काम है. अब अपने ही समुदाय की रक्षा के संतुलन में एक बहुत मुश्किल काम चेहरे जबकि 'धीमी शांति प्रक्रिया के साथ संलग्न '(कुछ है जो इस पर नीचे प्रतिद्वंद्वियों के क्रोध दिन लाता दिन से).अब एक जोखिम है, हर आपदा राहत आपरेशन, कि आंधी फिलीपींस के बाहर से सरकार नियंत्रित आपरेशन में channeled किया जाएगा के पीड़ितों के लिए समर्थन की अभिव्यक्ति अच्छी तरह से मतलब के साथ के रूप में, और है कि यह जो वास्तव में पीड़ित हैं और जो किनारे जाएगा अब खुद के साथ, उदाहरण के लिए, जुटाने, RWP एम के मदद करते हैं. संगठन 'यूरोप solidaire संस Frontières (विदाउट बॉर्डर्स एकात्मकता में यूरोप) एकजुटता में अब Mindanao में प्रगतिशील ताकतों के साथ काम कर रहा है, और आप ESSF के लिए भुगतान भेजने के द्वारा मदद कर सकते हैं. कृपया निर्दिष्ट करें कि भुगतान फिलीपींस बाढ़ के लिए है, और के माध्यम से पैसा भेजने ESSF, 2 rue रिचर्ड - Lenoir, 93100 Montreuil, फ्रांस. बैंक खाते के विवरण हैं: क्रेडिट Lyonnais, Agence डे ला Croix-de Chavaux (००,५२५), 10 boulevard Chanzy, 93100 Montreuil, फ्रांस. ESSF खाता संख्या 445757C है, और अंतरराष्ट्रीय बैंक खाते के विवरण हैं: IBAN: FR85 3000 २००५ २५०० 0044 ५७५७ C12, बीआईसी / स्विफ्ट:; CRLYFRPP खाता धारक: ESSF.
इयान पार्कर, Surigao del Norte, Mindanao, 21 दिसम्बर 2011

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Lal Bagh in summer

The tree behind the gazebo was planted by Queen Victoria

Those trees have been growing that way as far as I can remember 

A very old banyan tree

The artificial lake in the park, beautiful during the evening

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Critical Psychology Resources

The Discourse unit is a trans institutional network of critical psychologists.  
All the papers on this site are free content. There are other resources available as well. 

Discourse Unit

Asylum magazine for democratic psychiatry. Interesting articles written by people who have survived the mental health system. The articles are written by practitioners/users and survivors.

Some of the back issues are available on the website

Monday, 31 October 2011

Friday, 23 September 2011

Friday, 26 August 2011

Talk by Dr Anup Dhar at NIMHANS - 'Psychology as a Human Science'

Dr. Anup Dhar is an Associate  Professor  at the School of Human Studies Ambedkar University, Delhi.

Date and venue - Date 24th August 2011 National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences, Bangalore. 


How to make four equilateral triangles with six match sticks? If one thinks of the
match sticks as lying flat the problem appears and actually is quite insoluble. But as
soon as one thinks of solving it in a three dimensional space, by forming a pyramid,
one finds the solution.

This talk takes off from my own experiences as a novice in the mental health clinic. It is shaped by my discomfort with what was happening in the clinic – the narrow localization impulse and the rather simple cause-effect analysis of the medical perspective, the absent connection with larger historico-cultural questions, the pathologisation of suffering, the bracketing of distress in diagnostic categories and the insensitivity of practice. It is necessitated by the felt need to rethink on my part, a rethinking that is still incomplete and hence ongoing. However, why do we need to rethink? What is wrong with existing mental health science that it needs rethinking? This talk will deploy the ‘context of non-waking states and dreams’ to locate ‘lack’ in the mental health sciences along a number of axes (namely lack in width, depth, imagination, dynamism, plasticity, complexity, empathy, care as also lack in an attention to detail/particularity leading in turn to an impoverished understanding of the human, the human mind and the ‘matter of the mind’) and then see what one needs to rethink and how one can go about it. The talk shall also argue for a self-description of psychology marked primarily by the ‘human science’ angle. This will be done keeping in mind the question of evolution from inanimate matter (the world of physics and chemistry) to life-worlds (the world of biology), from elementary life-worlds to human worlds (the world of anthropology), from primal human worlds to worlds with consciousness, language, sociality, reason, value and ethics (the world of the human sciences). The talk would ask: would a more inter-disciplinary perspective, where disciplinary methodologies interrupt, contradict, supplement and bleed into each other, be more enabling for psychology? In approaching the psyche, should explanations follow the format of the laws of natural science or is it necessary to couch understanding in terms typically employed in the human sciences?

The talk addressed issues encountered in following a particular kind of method or model. It challenged the complacency in believing in one paradigm and not challenging it. It looked at the artificial boundaries created in universities in terms of disciplines.

Some of the questions raised were of using a ‘kind of psychology’ that engaged itself with the client. An engagement not in the terms that we know of but in exploring the suffering of the client.

Here are the slides that accompanied the talk.

Here is an audio link to the talk.

Monday, 15 August 2011

A profile of rioters

 Since a week I have been following the story of the riots in UK. The scenes of violence don’t look good. What looks worse is the way it is almost necessary for every journalist, politician and ‘ expert’ to comment on what kind of people committed the acts of violence. Poverty, bad bringing up and even races were brought into question.

It has almost become essential to categorise the criminal. We have effectively created a criminal type. This idea has  an appeal to the those in power, it makes the crime and the criminal appear as a species in its own right and it provides an explanation or rather an excuse.

7 billion people on the planet some of them are bound to have something in common. What we have in way of reassuring the public is making criminals seem different. The larger the crime the more the aura of the criminal. Take Hitler for instance numerous books about his ancestry, childhood, and failed love affairs are cited as his reason for megalomania. Almost all of us have bad childhood experiences and failed love affairs, but finding evidence of criminality in alleged pathology colludes with the criminal.
Criminality has acquired the status of the ‘other’ in our discourse of normality. By creating a criminal profile we stop asking how we create criminality or how we define crime. We have come to excuse the criminal of their crime. The most recent example would be how the new DSM is choosing to medicalise rape and thereby giving the rapist  the sanction to rape. The rioters in UK were of all colours, religions or lack of them, communities, social strata and not all of them were young, all of them didn’t have neurochemical imbalances, which made them criminals.

Criminals are not born, criminals and crime are created spontaneously.

PS: Homosexuality was a crime too and homosexuals were also profiled to find what kind of social or personal inadequacies created homosexuality. The situation seems absurd now but it has taken the life of many homosexual individuals.

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Art Therapy in Bangalore - a Conversation with Brother Mani. Part -2

What do a hands closed in prayer have in common with gothic Churches?
What do south Indian women have in common with Buddhists?

This is the second part of the interview with Brother Mani, an art therapist and Anil his assistant.  

This interview looks at how an art therapy session is conducted in a group or individually. Both Brother Mani and his assistant Anil talk about how they have used art therapy.    

Art therapy does not have a singular history but has multiple histories depending on when and where want to trace its history. Art has always been with us even in caves we had a need to decorate or use art to express ourselves. The history of art therapy is usually traced in the west during the early part of the 20th century however art has always been with us and it is not something new.

I have attached some of the artwork that is referred to in the interview. 

Here is a link to the interview

Murals made by the participants being put up on the walls to form a large collage

Brother Mani and Anil

Friday, 5 August 2011

Art Therapy in Bangalore - a Conversation with Brother Mani. Part - 1

Is art for artists? Or can anyone paint?

Art isn’t about beautiful paintings or vases it is a personal expression.
You don’t have to be an artist to be an art therapist or to be a participant in art therapy.

The post modern idea that art need not be restricted to a canvas or have perfection is what drives art therapy.

I met Brother Mani a few months back when he was conducting a workshop on art therapy. Brother Mani is an art therapist

This is an interview where Brother Mani speaks about how art therapy can be transformative and therapeutic.

Here's as link to the interview

There is a second part of this interview, which is a bit longer which I will post in a day or two.

The pictures are made by the students who attended the program. 

Scientific therefore neutral

Does science = neutrality ? This is  an assumption we take for granted in the modern era(by modern I refer to the era during and post enlightenment). We have come to believe that science unlike religion is more informed and is rational. The term rational is quite problematic as it assumes there is something irrational. It creates a dichotomy between ancient and medieval and modern. Modern being a better state. The realm of the other 2 eras is relegated to being romanticised or being seen through biased eyes.

Our idea that science is rational when compared religion or belief is misleading, science is never neutral. The assumption that cutting something of from its natural environment and studying it will give us a neutral response. Psychology is one such discipline that desperately tries to use scientificity as a means to justify its end. At it heart lies the assumption that it can acquire the same status as the natural science if its methods are mimic those used in the natural sciences. Statics come to the rescue here; breaking something down into numbers will apparently make it more scientific.

This fallacy has often lead to disastrous results by scientists conducting scientific research. One of my favourite examples is intelligence and intelligence testing. Intelligence is a badly defined concept and one that most psychologists do not agree upon. On this shaky foundation intelligence tests were constructed using scientific means. The Nazis picked up on these ideas of inferiority and superiority as a basis for killing people. this of course is well documented history and an extreme example. There are a lot more horror stories but I will skip them. Today intelligence tests help separate students with difficulties from well functioning children. We set up special schools for such children. All of this can hide behind the guise of being helpful and science.

We have come to believe in science as something that will give us the right answers. I use the term ‘believe’ deliberately because we don’t question its authority and believe in its benign presence. We assume that if an idea has some scientific backing it is good and correct and neutral.

Science however is never neutral, and it can never be. By writing a certain way or by following certain methods and idea does not become neutral. Natural science isn’t neutral. It takes a certain amount of conjecture and intuition to prove something in the natural sciences. The natural sciences are learning to live with uncertainty. Psychology however needs to prove the existence of things that are merely constructed by it. By hiding behind the guise of pseudo neutrality psychology subtly pushes its own agenda.

Most scientific ideas are based in not so neutral ideas. Take for example eugenics, which sorted out good healthy people from the ones that were useless to society. This idea has taken the form of cultural differences or gender differences. Women are not unclean creatures (not a medieval idea as we like to assume) but they are trapped by their biology. PMS syndrome is presented as evidence for a woman’s weakness and her inability to be as competent as a man. The people behind such research are not consciously trying to suppress women nor are a part of a grand conspiracy; they are products of their environment in which women internalise passive roles.

Good science if there is such a thing isn’t about proving something it is more profound than that, it is about accepting that a problem may not have an answer or the answer isn’t what one hoped for or that the answer isn’t dependent on the method.

Science has come to take the place of religion. Lets not say but religion was false and look at how it oppressed people. This is a weak argument that goes nowhere. Lets not assume religion was universally bad and science is universally good and is helping us become rational beings. We can’t discard either. We need to question both. Lets not assume that a sterile lab can give us all the answers we are looking for and we can do things better.  The egocentricism that modernity has assumed towards other forms of thought are repressive.

I am attaching 2 links one to a program which is aired on BBC Horizon which starts with the question how long is a piece of string. This program challenges the idea of observation and measurement as an absolute.

The second link if for a documentary by Adam Curtis- All Watched By Machines Of Loving Grace. This documentary looks at how we have come to believe that technology will set us free and how ideas of order and balance have been oppressive.  The documentary a lot of interpretations these are just two of them that I thought complimented the paper.
this link is for part one of four.

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Obscure 80's song for the day - Corey Hart -Eurasian Eyes

I found this song on youtube two days ago and I cant get it out of my head.  The song is very typically 80's synth pop with some powerful vocals. Very Corey Hart in style. The Track featured on the movie 9 1/2 weeks. It has a nice intensity and an unpretentious video to accompany it. 

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Disability in India - Resources

Here are a few resources you will find helpful

Anita Ghai - A Reader in Delhi University, Dr Ghai teaches in Jesus and Mary College Delhi. I have had the pleasure of meeting her at a conference. Her work on disability in India is very moving and very raw.

Here are a few links that I have found useful.

(Dis)embodied form: issues of disabled women

 By Anita Ghai

click here

Psychology In India Volume 3: Clinical And Health Psychology

 By Misra Girishwar
click here 

Dr Ghai looks at disability in India from both a historical and current perspective. She questions the notion of disability and looks at the social construction of disability.

Disability like mental illness is socially constructed, it serves a social and political purpose. It is tied to our ideas of productivity and usefulness to society, since 'disability' is seen as a burden, the disabled individual is thought to be useless.

Disability is not biology alone but the complex creation of a social system that chooses to make disability real.

PS: I am not saying the pain a disabled person might feel isnt real, the pain is all too real, its the labels that are unreal.

Photos of early psychiatry

Some dreadful, some disgusting pictures of what 'pioneering' work in psychiatry looked like. Now before you get all patronising thinking we have made great leaps think again we still do the same to people today. we lock them up, we still think criminals have something different in their neuro chemcial system and women are still targeted for their biology.

Monday, 11 July 2011

Disability in India

में  पेचले कुछ दिन से एक पेपर लिख रही हूँ , विकलांग व्य्क्तिन्यो पर जो हिनुस्थान में रहे रहें हैं. 

हिन्दुस्थान की जन्सक्न्ह्या लगभग १.२१ बिल्लियन है.
For the last few weeks I have been writing  a paper on disability in India here are some of the things i found out. 

The current Population of India in 2011 is estimated to be 1.21 billion.

Disability affects over 20 million people in India.

The population of Mumbai is about 20.5 million.

20 Million disabled people, this amounts to 20% of the population.

To break it down further that would be about 20 disabled people in a group of 100 people. 

However this number could be larger as a lot of people are not included in the census.

Disability could include visual problems, auditory problems,  speech defects and mobility issues to name a few.

When disability affects such a huge number of people why don’t we see them more often?

How many disabled people did you go to school with?

How many disabled people work with you?

And most importantly how do view these people?

Do you believe disabled people are not the same as you? Most people do. Most of us have grown up with prejudices about disabled people. A few people grow up feeling sympathy for the disabled and may contribute to charity. Do the disabled want our charity or do they want us to treat them equally?

Saturday, 2 July 2011


Nothing like mangoes in the summer !
गर्मी के इस मौसम में आम के सिवा का फल ! 

How does one practise critical clinical psychology?

This is a question I posed to my critical psychology professor a few years ago, hoping to find a simple answer. Three years later I stand corrected.
Critical psychology does not criticise and no it doesn’t offer a blanket solution to all the problems of the world (it creates a few of its own though).
So now that this has been cleared lets proceed to what I think of the question and its possible answer.
Critical psychology is often engaged in activism of the unheard kind, it asks patients what they expect of the system, it gets them involved and thinks of them as being capable of being an expert on their condition. It attacks most things conventional in psychology and does not provide a simple solution or a one solution to every problem, sometimes it the solution is up to you if you want one that is. The goal isn’t to provide a quick answer that can be applied everywhere as conventional psychology does, it keeps looking for answers and basks in its own dissent.
Perhaps I was so used to a solution or to see clinical psychology being practised (in the most conventional sense of the term) that I didn’t see what lies at the heart of ‘curing people’. that critical psychology is engaed in activism maybe enough for a few people is sometimes impossible to imagine. Why would activism be enough? Is there anything else to it then a few nosiy protestors? These are some of the questions I had. However a protest is neeed not be a means to an end it maybe the end or if I may use the term ‘therapeutic’.
The assumption of treating, counselling  has been with us for so long that I am afraid that it takes a huge leap to think beyond the language of therapy. Perhaps some people don’t need or want therapy and protesting about it makes perfect sense to them. Perhaps its is not for me to decide what to replace conventional therapy with. That would be a real shame- replacing an oppressive syatem with a new improved version of itself.
The answer if one can call it that is not to fall into the old ways of complacency and rhetoric but to invent and reinvent and dissent.

Disclaimer: This article only represents my view of things and isn’t everyone’s view of how the ideas of critical psychology can be put into clinical practice or help change what exists.

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Terry Jones- Medieval Lives

History isn't necessarily what happened. It's often what people want us to think happened. Terry Jones.

When it comes to history and medieval history most people have two kinds of views - love or hate. We tend to classify the middle ages as the age of ignorance and tend to believe our age is superior. Viewing the past from the present can be coloured by our assumptions of our own age. we tend to look at the part in simple good bad dichotomies. We have come to believe that the age we live in is the epitome of progress and rationality and the past was an ignorant era. 

Terry Jones challenges this idea we have of the middle ages. He presents a social political picture of why things were a certain way and how ideas, calamities, economics and even disease shaped an era. 

The series consists of 8 episodes (30 minutes each)

The eight episodes are:
The Peasant
The Monk
The Damsel
The Knight
The Outlaw
The King

If you live in UK the episodes are available on youtube.