Sunday, 25 May 2014

Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them – Magaret Atwood

...... yet another killing...... when will we blame the perpetrators when will men take responsibility for themselves.

When my male friends walk down the road they fear their wallets might be stolen I fear being raped and murdered. This is male privilege, this is what we are fighting, this fear so deeply ingrained in women.

Friday, 23 May 2014

Manchester Graffiti

This little cat has been on the sign for over a year on Elizabeth Gaskell Campus think it replaces a real cat who used to sit on the wall and look at people passing by. 

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Vigil in Manchester


On the 18th April 276 young girls were abducted and have now been sold in to slavery.

In order to show solidarity and support and that we care about the whereabouts and welfare of these young girls and we want their safe return Manchester will be holding a vigil on Saturday 10th May.

Please wear RED and make your placards.

Date- Saturday 10th May
Time- 1.00 pm -3.00 pm 
Venue- Picadilly Gardens

Link to the facebook event.