Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Unlock your phone for free

I was looking for places where I could get my phone unlocked. Most places charged me different rates. So I decided to look online this is the best site I have found so far - it works.


They are very helpful and answer all your questions.

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Cristina Rodrigues on sustainability.

I met this architect the other day, and she was talking about sustainability. What was interesting about her work was that she wasn't just making pretty things but was looking at the how we relate to architecture. This is a link to one of her documentaries   

In her words by forgetting the countryside we abadon what feeds us ..... we abandon people.Documentary on Desertification in Portugal

Her work is interdisciplinary and touches on some very interesting aspects of how we relate to the environment and about social care. 

This is one of those things that can only happen in Manchester. Everybody here is a part of a cause and is an activist of some sort. The best part of all this is that conversation isnt dull. 

I wish Cristina all the best with her work :)

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Free online documentaries- Documentary storm

I found this website the other day it has quite a few documentaries I would love to watch. Now would be a good time to turn of the telly and watch something informative.

Link to Documentary Storm

Morrissey has spoken

A picture speaks a thousand words this one says it all! I had to start the New Year with a message let this be it.